Dr. Daniele Nicoli

Opera a MonzaParma e Lecco
Visita in provincia di Bergamo, Monza Brianza e Milano 

Il dott. Nicoli cura le seguenti patologie

Il dott. Nicoli si occupa di

Artrodesi cervicale

Approccio anteriore e posteriore

Artrodesi lombosacrale

Approccio anteriore e posteriore

Microdiscectomia cervicale e lombosacrale

Approccio anteriore e posteriore

dott. Daniele Nicoli

Revisioni di artrodesi

Gestione chirurgica delle fratture vertebrali

Chirurgia oncologica

Hai bisogno di un consiglio o sospetti una malattia

Contatta il dott. Daniele Nicoli

Chiama dal lunedì a venerdì dalle 9:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:00 alle 18:00

Frequently Asked Questions

Tooth valuable resources, dental care should take us regularly to stay healthy. Oral Health Overview. Good dental or oral care is important to maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and tongue. Oral problems, including bad breath, dry mouth, canker or cold sores, TMD, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care.

Urgent care centers are a relatively new addition to the healthcare industry that have helped to benefit both community medical services and patients. As a fast, affordable alternative to emergency room care for patients with non-life-threatening conditions, urgent care medical clinics offer people a convenient treatment option.

Urgent care centers are a relatively new addition to the healthcare industry that have helped to benefit both community medical services and patients. As a fast, affordable alternative to emergency room care for patients with non-life-threatening conditions, urgent care medical clinics offer people a convenient treatment option.

Tooth valuable resources, dental care should take us regularly to stay healthy. Oral Health Overview. Good dental or oral care is important to maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and tongue. Oral problems, including bad breath, dry mouth, canker or cold sores, TMD, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care.

Urgent care centers are a relatively new addition to the healthcare industry that have helped to benefit both community medical services and patients. As a fast, affordable alternative to emergency room care for patients with non-life-threatening conditions, urgent care medical clinics offer people a convenient treatment option.

Urgent care centers are a relatively new addition to the healthcare industry that have helped to benefit both community medical services and patients. As a fast, affordable alternative to emergency room care for patients with non-life-threatening conditions, urgent care medical clinics offer people a convenient treatment option.

Tooth valuable resources, dental care should take us regularly to stay healthy. Oral Health Overview. Good dental or oral care is important to maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and tongue. Oral problems, including bad breath, dry mouth, canker or cold sores, TMD, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care.

Urgent care centers are a relatively new addition to the healthcare industry that have helped to benefit both community medical services and patients. As a fast, affordable alternative to emergency room care for patients with non-life-threatening conditions, urgent care medical clinics offer people a convenient treatment option.

Urgent care centers are a relatively new addition to the healthcare industry that have helped to benefit both community medical services and patients. As a fast, affordable alternative to emergency room care for patients with non-life-threatening conditions, urgent care medical clinics offer people a convenient treatment option.

Il dott. Daniele Nicoli collabora con i seguenti Specialisti


Dr. Massimo Allegri Vai al sito

Dr. Tommaso Laddomada   
Vai al profilo Facebook

Dr.ssa Raffaella Bigi
Vai al sito
Dr. Francesco Sala Vai al sito
Dr. Simone Sangaletti Vai al sito
Dr. Andrea Moro 
Dr.ssa Francesca Faso Vai al sito
Dr. Riccardo Riva Vai al sito

Alcune recensioni dei Pazienti

"Ho effettuato una prima visita, ho avuto un riscontro molto positivo. Molto cortese, chiaro nelle spiegazioni e nelle indicazioni terapeutiche. Puntale e molto professionale. Consigliatissimo."
"Egr. dr. Nicoli, mi riferisco alla visita effettuata nel Suo studio ieri 21/04/2022. E’ stata un’esperienza estremamente positiva sia per la Sua competenza che per il rapporto personale. Non è facile oggi, trovare medici come Lei; quando una persona ha problemi di salute ha la necessità di sentirsi di fronte ad un amico oltre alla Sua competenza che a Lei assolutamente non manca."
Dove opera

MONZA c/o Policlinico di Monza via Carlo Amati 11, Monza, MB
TEL: 039 2027222

PARMA c/o PICCOLE FIGLIE HOSPITAL Via Po, 1, 43125 Parma PR TEL: 0521 917711

LECCO c/o Clinica San Martino Via Paradiso, 23864  Malgrate (LC) TEL: 0341 169 5111

Dove visita

MONZA c/o Policlinico di Monza via Carlo Amati 11, Monza, MB
TEL: 039 2027222

BORGO DI TERZO c/o ambulatorio via Nazionale 32, Borgo di Terzo, Bg
TEL: 035 820060

VIMERCATE c/o Centro Medico e Fisioterapico QiFisio via Rota 26, Vimercate-MB
TEL: 349 9940410

BERGAMO c/o Habilita San Marco,  Piazzale della Repubblica, 10, 24122 Bergamo BG 
TEL: 035 4815511
VIMODRONE c/o Vmedical Diagnostica Martesana, Via Padana Superiore, 317, 20055 Vimodrone MI 
TEL: 02 97106108 
SEREGNO c/o Centro Ortopedico Brianza, Via Valassina, 40,  Seregno MB
CONCOREZZO c/o Centro Ortopedico Brianza, Via XXV Aprile, 35, 20863 Concorezzo MB   
TEL: +39 3895547789

+ 39 340 9940410

